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UK: Rupert Murdoch Gets COVID-19 Vaccine As Fox News Urge Viewers To Be Skeptical

While his media organisations cast doubt on the Covid-19 vaccine, Rupert Murdoch has received a free COVID-19 vaccination on the UK National Health Service.

The 89-year-old Fox Corp. chairman and News Corp executive chairman who has been isolating in the U.K. since the summer, with his wife Jerry Hall, was vaccinated at his local Oxfordshire general practitioner surgery having met the eligibility criteria.

In a statement after receiving the vaccine, Murdoch thanked the National Health Service (NHS), the publicly-funded healthcare system in the United Kingdom. “I would like to thank the keyworkers and the NHS staff who have worked so hard throughout the pandemic, and the amazing scientists who have made this vaccine possible, I strongly encourage people around the world to get the vaccine as it becomes available.”

Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson, one of the big-name hosts of Fox Corp.’s Fox News, urged viewers to be skeptical about the effort to get people vaccinated, mentioning that a health care worker in Alaska had an adverse reaction to the vaccine but responded to standard treatment quickly. “So how are the rest of us supposed to respond to a marketing campaign like this? Well, nervously,” he said. “Even if you’re strongly supportive of vaccines, and even if you recognize how many millions of lives have been saved over the past 50 years by vaccines, it all seems a bit much, it feels false, because it is. It’s too slick.”