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UGANDA: President Declares National Day Of Prayer Against Covid-19

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has declared Saturday 29 August a day of national prayers to seek divine intervention in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The president said he got the idea from a Ugandan citizen who had a vision from God to organize national prayers to help tackle the deadly virus.

“A certain Ugandan came to me and told me that God had told him in a vision that I should organize National Prayers, scientifically organized, for God to deliver us from COVID 19,” Museveni tweeted.

“Therefore, by the powers given to the President of Uganda by Section 2(2) of the Public Holidays Act, I declare the 29th of August 2020, a day of National Prayers and a Public Holiday. Stay in your houses or Compounds and pray.”

Uganda’s Covid-19 reported cases have seen a steady rise lately particularly in Kampala, raising concern among authorities to reinstate strict lockdown measures.

Uganda has so far recorded 2,679 coronavirus cases and 28 deaths.