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Michael Jackson’s Mom Loses Appeal Over Pop Icon’s Catalogue

An appellate court in Los Angeles denied Katherine Jackson’s appeal disputing the $600 million sale of Michael Jackson’s music catalogue to Sony according to report.

The judges ruled that because Katherine did not make her concerns known when Jackson’s estate first sold the music, she could not do so now. The tentative ruling said: “Katherine did not contend [in the lower court] that the sale violated the terms of Michael’s will or was inconsistent with the Probate Code.

Indeed, as the executors note, Katherine agreed in the probate court that the will gives the executors the power to sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of the estate’s real or personal property. We tentatively conclude that Katherine’s challenge fails on the merits because the probate court’s order does not violate the terms of Michael’s will,” the tentative ruling continued.

Katherine had previously disputed the sale because the portion of the catalogue would “appreciate over time” and went against “Michael’s wishes.” According to the magazine, Michael’s other children, Paris and Prince, did not dispute the catalogue sale and Katherine is the only party pushing for an appeal.