A woman in Iran condemned to death by hanging died of heart attack after watching 16 executions that came before hers, she was hanged non the less by her victim’s mother.
Zahra Esmaili was sentenced death by hanging for the shooting death of of her abusive husband in July 2017.
Esmaili suffered a heart attack while watching the hanging of 16 other condemned people being publicly put to death while she awaited the same fate.
It was then decided to carry on her execution by hanging her corpse and her mother-in-law kicked the stool from beneath her feet.
Though officials denied the account, but her lawyer said the cause of death was cardiac arrest rather than hanging.
Esmaili’s daughter was jailed for five years and her son was also arrested as a co-conspirator.
It is thought Zahra’s case was made public to increase public terror over the prospect of being publicly executed for offences.
Speaking to the media, Iran HR director Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam said: ‘This is the effect they’re looking for. And it’s the same in each case: “Obey our rules. This can happen to you.” That’s the message.’
Under Iran’s laws, citizens can be executed for crimes not deemed to be among the ‘most serious’ under international law, including drug trafficking.