A Sorcerer has been arrested in India after doctors removed 77 needles he allegedly inserted into a young woman’s head to treat her ill health.
The 19-year-old Reshma Behera was admitted to Bhima Bhoi Medical College and Hospital after she complained of severe headaches. After a CT scan, it was revealed that she had numerous needles inserted in her head and was referred to VIMSAR for specialised treatment.
Despite the initial removal of eight needles, her condition did not improve, prompting her referral to Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (VIMSAR), where an additional 70 needles were removed during two surgeries.
Director of the institute, Bhabagrahi Rath, was quoted as saying: “So far, 77 needles have been retrieved from the girl’s head in two surgeries. Fortunately, the needles have not caused any bone injuries, but there are soft tissue injuries on her head.”
Since her mother’s death four years ago, the teen had reportedly been frequently ill and sought help from a quack doctor in 2021, identified as one Tejraj Rana. it was reported.
The family said Rana used to take her inside a room to provide “treatment”. They only recently discovered the needles when the girl began complaining of pain.
“The surgery began around 2 am and lasted for one and a half hours.” He added that “thankfully, none of the needles pierced the skull”.